has been in computer-language
translation software and database-consulting
businesses since early 80's. Our
Access converter can easily expand your Access skills to employ key Microsoft®
and SAP® technologies for your Windows desktop/ web form/
web service and report applications. It will reduce your training costs and will speed
up your VB6/.NET/Crystal Reports development or conversion projects.Our
cost-effective solution for your development or conversion projects pays
for itself in even a few report or form conversions.
Worldwide clients
in 6 continents and over 70 countries including Accenture, aecom.yu.edu,
Aflac, AFRIMS, Alaska.edu, Alcan, Alcon, Alltel, Amiri Flight, Amsec, Amtrak, Applied Materials,
Arinc, Ascotuw, Bank of
America, BD, Bearing Point, Bentley, Berger Allied, Biondi, Blue Cross,
Boeing, BYU, Cakerie, Capgemini, Catalyst, CH2MHILL, Chamberlain, Charles River Lab,
Chevron, Chicos,
CHS, Coffman, Comcast, Constellation, Costco, CSC, CUNY, Del Labs, Deloitte, DevenGov, DGE, Diebold, DOD, DOT, Dow, Duke.edu,
Duke Energy, EDS, EKU, Enbridge, Energizer, Ethox, Exponent, FedEx, FMC, Ford, Fresno.gov, Fujitsu, GE, General Dynamics,
GMAC, GMAC ResCap, Golder, Griffith, GSK, Guardian Life,Hampton.gov,
Hearusa, Hess, HP, HSBC, Hughes, HunTel, IBM, IMRA, Intergraph, Integrisok,
Intgas, Introgen, JPL.gov, Kelly Bros, KPMG, LAN Engineering, LANL.gov,
Ledcor, LMCO, LMHS, LSI Logic, London Life, Markel, Mentalix, Mercedes-Benz, MetLife, Metso,
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normal size display

Miamisci.org, Micro Focus, Mount
Sinai, MS/B, Nampa.id,NASA, NEC Philips, New Horizons, NIH, Norandal USA,
Noridian, Northrop Grumman, Numonyx, OSU,
Parker, Pearson Packaging, Pennzoil, Pepsi, Playtex, PPC, PRC, Procter & Gamble,
ProvAir,Purdue.edu, Rabobank, RBCCM, RHI, RossGroupInc, Ryder, Sads, Sandia.gov, SBC,
sc.gov, Schering-Plough,
Schneider Electric, Scotiabank, SFHP.org,
Siemens, SJHA.org, Sonoco, SPC, Sprint, SRI, state.al.us, state.ar.us, state.az.us,
state.ga.us, state.id.us, state.ks.us, state.mn.us, state.mo.us,
state.mt.us, state.nc.us, state.oh.us, state.ok.us, state.pa.us, state.tx.us, Summit
Health, Suntrips,
Swedish.org, Syscorp, TCS, Teche Federal Bank, Tektronix, Trane, TRW, UAB, UAFC, UC Davis,
UCF, UHCWV, UHN, UKY, UMASS, UMN, UNC, Union Carbide, Unity Life, US Air Force, US Army,
US Bank, USBM,
US Courts, USGS, US Navy, UTC, Verizon, VECO, Wachovia, Westinghouse, Wipro,Wisdom InfoTech, Xdevelopment,
Yvesveggie, Zocher, Zurich,3M, and a few thousand more have used our products and/or services.